On May 14th, we hosted the The Missing Key To Improving Elementary SBAC Scores webinar with the fine folks at Classtime.
As reported in the Los Angeles Times, many schools have been struggling with the math assessment coming out of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) design. Only 33% of students in the United States meets or exceeds the educational standards. One of the questions we frequently get while supporting schools is, “How can teachers engage and prepare students without ‘teaching to the test’?” This Webinar will focus on the most looked over of the three keys for improving SBAC elementary math; the type of strategic thinking that questions are asking students to perform. The goal is to recognize this kind of thinking and be able to create genuine learning experiences that helps to improve the targeted type of strategic thinking.
Senior Educational Consultant, Educators Cooperative
Scott Houston is a K-12 educational consultant with teaching expertise in math and science. Scott holds a Master of Arts in middle school education and a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry. He began his teaching career in Fontana where he taught both middle school and high school over an eight-year period. During this time he also taught night classes for California State University San Bernardino for teachers who wanted to get their Master of Arts degree in Middle School Education. In 2001, he earned his National Board Certification in early adolescent mathematics. He received recognition in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers four years in a row. For the past sixteen years he has been working as a professional educational consultant helping teachers implement research based teaching strategies and most recently preparing districts for the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. He is currently a cooperative member in Educators Cooperative, where has been employed for the last 12 years.