An easy, effective professional development platform for educators.
The Alludo difference
Effective professional learning for educators starts with the learner.
Whether you are an assistant superintendent, an educational technology leader, a curriculum instruction leader, a teacher, or a student, it is clear.
The old ways of professional development for educators just don’t work. It’s time for a professional learning platform that puts learners at the center. And in our experience, when you put learners at the center of your professional learning, it works.
Alludo’s professional development platform for educators.
See how Alludo helps educators drive impact.
Can you imagine professional learning courses for educators that are relevant to your teachers’ and students’ development, align with district initiatives, and positively affect student success?
We can.
Equip your learners to choose the learning pathways that are meaningful to them.
If you give teachers choice and voice, they will choose activities and courses they are passionate about and courses that will impact their students’ progress. This is the combo that drives impact!
Provide personalized learning that’s relevant to your learners, and have the flexibility to tailor professional learning to your teachers.
The traditional ways of PD force you to take a small selection of learning courses and give them to a large group of people at different levels and with different needs. Your learners need tailored PD that meets them where they are and is served up in multiple modalities...text, video, links to documentation...learners learn in different ways!
Provide a safe place to experiment, so you can identify strategies that can give you long-term success in the classroom.
Trying things out in a protected environment that won’t disrupt things in the classroom if you fail fosters a desire to experiment and innovate!
Get visibility into every aspect of your professional learning efforts, so you can improve focus on initiatives, student outcomes, and teacher growth and retention.
Make data-driven decisions with a single view of all professional learning efforts across systems, initiatives, and audiences.
Reporting and analytics give visibility into key performance indicators (KPIs) like engagement, evidence of learning, level of skill, and impact on student outcomes and district initiatives.
Slice and dice all of the data about your professional learning efforts from any angle.
You can see by the people (district, group, department, system, school site, or Individual learner), by the subject matter (district-wide outcomes, topic and content area, or item), and by engagement (number of learners engaged - both teacher and student learners).
Improve teacher retention by making professional learning easy and relevant.
When professional development courses are easy and relevant, teachers can have a greater impact with students and the education they provide them in the classroom. That’s why they’re here, and if you help them achieve it, that’s why they’ll stay.
Be good stewards of school district dollars with insights from your professional development efforts.
Take PD off the hamster wheel and into a jet propulsion lab to propel initiatives, foster quality education, and impact student outcomes, so you can secure funding and make the most of the funding you have!
We've eliminated hours and hours of professional learning management time.
Personalized professional learning pathways means you can get everyone aligned on and working towards your initiatives faster.
No more one size fits all PD. Quality education requires you to meet all learners at all levels where they are. Alludo has made this easy.
Teacher choice and voice in their professional learning propels the impact they can have on students and initiatives.
Personalized learning pathways served up in micro-learning activities, means teachers spend less time out of the classroom and more time using relevant learning that matters.
A single, collaborative platform to manage professional learning district-wide makes it easy.
Curriculum instructors, educational technology leaders, and TOSAs can curate, publish, and shepherd learners in a fraction of the time, so they can focus on the more complex initiatives.
Professional development in one place means professional learning leaders and teachers impact district initiatives quickly.
Spend less time drudging through everyday tasks and more time focused on the highest priority initiatives.
We give you access to already-built, fresh content that makes up 80% of your curriculum, so you can focus on your top needs in an instant.
The Alludo Catalog equips you with curated content and online courses you can reuse and tailor in minutes (not months).
Imagine thousands of activities spanning hundreds of core topics that you can easily search and select from!
Quickly respond to the needs of your learners in minutes and pivot to content specific to what they need in that moment.
The only thing for certain is change. Build out micro-learning activities that will support them today.
Gain access to and subscribe to content that is always fresh.
We keep it up to date, so you can autoupdate and say goodbye to working hard on content development and training that by the time you’ve rolled it out, it's changed.
Go deep in proper, better, more creative uses of curriculum.
Segment curriculum so you can target it, get creative, and get your learners to go deep into training and engage.
If you engage your learners, you're going to drive impact (and Alludo teachers and students are engaging at a rate of 70-90%!).
Micro-learning activities help learners achieve more quickly.
These are tailored to the personalized learning pathway of your learners and served up in small, digestible training chunks that are easy for the learner to tackle on their own time.
Digital badging gives instant recognition for the work learners have done.
Acknowledgement provides a sense of achievement and fulfillment, and even credentials that teacher learners can take with them!
Provide a place to go that's all about the learner.
Here your learners can see their upcoming learning they’ve chosen and that related to district initiatives, their achievements via digital badges and credentials they’ve earned, and 100% of their training time is applied to them!
Name and brand Alludo for your district, so your learners feel at home.
Learners don't mind learning Alludo, because it doesn’t look or feel like a new platform. Alludo is branded and themed for your district, so you and your learners feel a sense of pride and belonging.
Gamification turns professional learning for educators into fun, incites competition, and fosters a spirit that’s been known to go viral!
With Alludo, learners learn in a different way; they earn points for achievement and compete for bragging rights or even incentives. Why not add a little fun to your learning?
Connect with learners you wouldn't have otherwise been able to connect with.
Transition from just tending to the extreme users to the other 80% of the teachers and students who need you.
Because the old ways of professional development are so labor-intensive, learning leaders have found themselves spending time with the extreme users – learners struggling or learners who are highly engaged.
As you manage professional learning, be more responsive with less effort.
You’ll be able to easily do real-time checks for understanding, offer encouragement, and enforce going deeper and understanding better. Alludo’s collaborative platform lets you course correct with ease and offers a breadth of fresh course content, so you can direct learners to a different activity or add a new one in minutes!
Provide instant feedback and recognition for the work your learners have done. Feedback and acknowledgement motivate them!
Acknowledgement that your teachers and students did something right, a check for understanding, being rewarded for your efforts with words, stipends, prizes. These are all ways to help your learners feel valued and connected to your district overall.
Provide an easy, personalized interface for your learners that’s all about them.
Alludo is an easy-to-use platform where teachers and students can go to take relevant learning, see feedback on their training efforts (what they did well and what they need to work on), and marvel at the digital badges and credentials they’ve earned.
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See it to believe it! We can’t wait to show you.