Measuring the impact of K-12 professional learning is no easy job.


But together, we can do hard things.

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Our customers love Alludo for PD, because it’s easy, engaging, and measurable.


Just ask these rock star school district leaders...

“The old ways of one-size fits all professional development just don't work. We get a lot of feedback – good or bad – and the feedback around this path has been overwhelmingly positive.”

Dave Doubravsky
Assistant Superintendent, Education Services
Jurupa Unified SD

"This has been the most successful professional development program our district has ever done and honestly could have ever imagined."

Josh Lewis
Director of Information Education Technology
Jurupa Unified SD

Jurupa Unified School District launched “pretty darn fast” (in three weeks!) and achieved these learning outcomes 18 months later…


learners engaged


micro-learning activities


hours of PD invested


missions completed


levels of learning

How do we measure the impact of professional development for teachers?

Teacher helping a student

An Effective Professional Development Plan Starts with Goals and Objectives


Every district wants their professional development to be effective – but how do you measure this effectiveness? The key is to track progress toward both individual teacher goals and broader school district initiatives.

Alludo’s learning modules encourage teachers to set personal development goals and make it easy – and fun! –  to track results. We also make it simple for school districts to measure this progress.

Wondering where to start when creating your professional development goals? We covered six examples to inspire your district in our latest blog. Ready to dive deeper? Click below to explore our complete guide to setting and hitting district-wide professional development goals.

Read the Blog

Alludo helps you use student and teacher professional development to drive impact.


Assistant Superintendents

For all of the Assistant Superintendents out there who are working hard to provide district-wide professional development opportunities that are meaningful to your teachers, progresses district initiatives, and most importantly – positively affects student outcomes…we see you.

Visibility into systems and efforts helps you make data-driven decisions. This is effective professional development that makes a difference.


Educational Services Leaders

And hats off to all of you Educational Services and Curriculum Instruction Leaders as you support your teachers and students with PD opportunities in unprecedented times.

TOSA resources are going down and educational and emotional demands on you and your teachers are going up.

To affect teacher, school, and student performance, you need a single place to serve, capture, and report on the health of the professional development offering across your district.



And you learners out there, you put your heart and soul into all that you do. You need to be able to choose the learning pathways that are meaningful to you. You want to focus on things that matter – outcomes. And you want a safe place to learn, try, and try again until you succeed. And let’s not forget to celebrate when you close an achievement gap.

You know best how you can have classroom impact, and the old ways of teacher PD (like endless training workshops) don’t let you do your thing! You need choice!

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To connect K-12 professional learning to classroom impact, there are a few essentials.

A single view of all professional learning efforts


mindset and method

Experience that


A single view of all professional learning efforts

Use the Alludo data story to become teacher professional development outcome-omniscient

Thoughtful reporting & analytics help you see ROI & impact on student learning outcomes.
  • Data story helps you double down on effective professional learning and turn your attention to areas that need improvement
  • Reporting equips you to easily describe learner (teacher and student) growth
  • Analytics connect time in system by learner and site, so you can clearly identify ROI

Become the Edward Scissorhands of teacher professional development data

One view of the health of all professional learning efforts across systems, initiatives, and audiences lets you slice and dice all of the data from any angle.
  • By the people: District, group, department, system, school site, classroom, or Individual learner
  • By the subject matter: District-wide outcomes, topic, or item
  • By the engagement: Learner (teacher and student)

Learner-centered mindset and method

Let learners know you care about all of the effort they are putting in...

Easy feedback loop captivates learners & speeds impact.
  • Fast feedback from educators keeps learners feeling supported and engaged
  • Real-time achievement board promotes learner pride & desire to continue professional learning
  • Digital/Open badges equip learners with credentials they can take with them

And then, they’ll want to help you!

Holistic course design gets everyone – teachers and students – progressing top district initiatives.
  • Because learners have choice, they become engaged
  • Easy feedback loop validates their efforts and keeps them engaged
  • Gamification makes it fun for teachers, students, and staff, and creates team spirit, so engagement goes viral!
  • The combo of choice, feedback, and team spirit opens learners' desire to contribute to district initiatives

An easy button for achieving compliance

Ability to create and organize compliance learning makes ensuring the health of compliance efforts easy

Real-time visibility for any learner, group, system, school site, or district on compliance-based initiatives
Easily duplicate compliance initiatives from year to year (or any segment of time)
A single compliance initiative to direct all learners

The best professional learning content at your fingertips

Curated educator content in the Alludo Content Catalog helps shape effective professional development

Thousands of micro-learning activities from across the education and professional learning community
Use other educators’ curriculum and content, tailor it, or DIY!
Bite-size or micro-learning activities are less intimidating, so teachers, students, and staff engage more

See why our VP of Customer Success, Julia, loves her job.


And then get her to show you a demo of Alludo!


Julia Francis

"At Alludo, we do all of that, and it's pretty cool."