Alludo puts learners at the center of district professional development!


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“[Before Alludo], everybody came to a big PD [workshop] at the same time, and we didn’t have on-demand learning available for teachers across the district… It limited choices you could offer teachers.”
Sheryl Winter
Educational Technologist
“Between the two of us [technology trainers], we had to service 350 teachers. It was a lot of 1:1 time… and Alludo has really helped be everywhere the need is… [and] fill that gap so we can do even more.”
Amy Romes
Educational Technologist


learners engaged


activities completed


hours of PD completed


missions completed


levels completed

Choice and voice in their PD journey

Your educators want the freedom to choose learning that is relevant to them, learning they are passionate about, and teaching that will help them create a learner-centered classroom. Leadership is likely in tune with district initiatives but might be once removed from what teachers actually need for their teaching in the classroom.

Tailored professional learning opportunities

Traditional professional development methods of one size fits all are not only costly and wasteful for districts, but they don’t work at all for the learners. Teachers and students need learning that is not only relevant, but also has a depth of material that matches their skill level.

PD that maximizes classroom teaching and instruction time

Teachers want to pursue the learning they need and want, but not let it take away from their precious time in the classroom teaching students and providing learner-centered teaching. Instead teachers want learning that fuels their classroom instruction time with students and provides student-centered learning opportunities that maximize student engagement and student achievement!

All of the PD bases covered, efficiently

Professional development time is limited. Your teacher and student learners need you to help them cover all professional learning bases – social emotional learning, positive behavioral interventions and support (PBIS), safety and compliance, technology and applications, learner-centered pedagogy, curriculum.

Connect learner choice with professional development to drive impact
Serve up personalized learning pathways
Provide learners a safe place to experiment & innovate
Give learners access to all training in one place
Give feedback & recognition that motivates & speeds impact
Use holistic course design to progress district initiatives